The Chicago Tribune apparently got an interview with Major League Baseball Commission Bud Selig, though it wasn’t very enlightening.

Selig basically pats the league on the back for actions taken since league officials pulled their heads out of the sand, err, discovered that several superstars were taking steroids.

He also continued to blame the Major League Baseball Players Association for the entire problem, citing their unwillingness at the time to agree to drug testing.

(The union is also a target of BBP, for what it is worth – which admittedly isn’t much, but nonetheless, we’re not pinning the entire thing on Selig – we just want him to own up to having played a role in letting the thing take place)

And gave nothing answers when asked about his willingness to take a pay cut (cough, $18 million, cough, cough, choke).

He did say that the Netherlands’ upset of the Dominican Republic in the World Baseball Classic was good for the tournament and add that the league was monitoring the sale of the Cubs and the economy’s impact on Major League teams.

Hmm. Yawn.

Why am I writing this again?